Past Projects

Title: Kinetochore oscillations in mitotic metaphase

Researcher (PIs): Iva Tolić (PI) and Nenad Pavin (co-PI)
Host Institutions (HIs): Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics, Dresden and University of Zagreb – Faculty of Science
German Research Foundation (DFG) funding: 255,950.00 €
Duration: Starting date: August 1st, 2013, End date: July 31st, 2017

Title: The role of microtubule pivoting in formation of complex structures such as microtubule bundles and mitotic spindles

Researcher (PIs):
Nenad Pavin (PI) and Iva Tolić (co-PI)
Host Institutions (HIs): University of Zagreb, Faculty of Science and Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics, Dresden
Countries: Croatia, Germany
Unity through knowledge Fund (UKF) funding: 1.110.036,00 HRK
Duration: Starting date: October 15th, 2013, End date: October 14th, 2015